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What year did Align go public, at what price, and how many shares were offered?

Align went public in January, 2001. 10,000,000 shares were offered at $13.00 per share.

How many shares are outstanding?

Please refer to the most current 10-Q/10-K SEC filings. Click here for Current Filings

What is Align's stock ticker symbol?
On which exchange does Align trade?

Align trades on the NASDAQ National Market.

How can I invest in Align?

You can purchase shares of Align through a brokerage of your choice.

What year was Align incorporated and in what state?

Align was incorporated in April 1997 in Delaware.

Where is Align's headquarters located?

Align Technology, Inc.
410 North Scottsdale Road, Suite 1300
Tempe, Arizona 85281

How many employees does Align have?

Please refer to the most current 10-Q/10-K SEC filings. Click here for Current Filings

When is Align's fiscal year-end?

Align's year-end is December 31. Reporting quarters correspond with calendar quarters.

Has Align had any stock splits?

No, Align has not had any stock splits.

Does Align pay a dividend?

Align does not pay a dividend on its common stock.

Does Align have a direct purchase plan?

No, Align does not have a direct purchase plan. Shares can be purchased through your personal broker.

How can I obtain a copy of Align's Annual Report?

Select the "Printed Materials" link found in the navigation menu and check the materials that you wish to receive from the menu and enter your shipping address.

How can I obtain SEC documents such as an Annual Report prospectus, Form 10-K or Form 10-Q?

All documents are filed with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and can be viewed in the SEC filings section in the Investor Relations section of this website, or select the "Printed Materials" link found in the navigation menu to request materials via the internet.

Who should I contact regarding my stock certificates?

Most Align shareholders hold their stock in street name (i.e. their broker) and do not receive certificates. If you would like to request a stock certificate be mailed to you, please contact Align's transfer agent.

Who is Align's transfer agent?

Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940-3078

How can I change my address on my account?

If your shares are held in your name, you may contact our transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services at (781) 575-2879. If your shares are held in street name (by your broker), you must contact your broker to change your address.

Who are Align's independent accountants?

PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P.
Ten Almaden Blvd., Suite 1600
San Jose, CA 95113

Who is Align's legal counsel?

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
650 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Who can I contact about specific investor relations questions?

If you are unable to find the Align Technology related information you are looking for on this web site, you may forward your questions to

Can I be added to the mailing list and can I receive the material via email or US mail?

Yes, you can be added to the mailing list. Would you like to receive the material by email or US mail.


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